Reading comprehension/Vocabulary

Read the article ‘Words, Words’ on pages 18-19 of English Now No 75. Then, complete the sentences below by dragging and dropping each of the words into the correct gap.

  1. To make summer pudding, you need
    and fruit.
  2. Summer
    is a time to stop studying or working and relax.
  3. A summerhouse is a
    where people go to escape the hot weather.
  4. ‘In the Summertime’ is a famous
    that celebrates the summer.
  5. Summer pudding is delicious served with
  6. I need a summery
    to go with my new top.
  7. In
    summer, it can get really hot.
  8. I love it when the weather is
  9. People often have a summerhouse in the countryside or the
  10. In the summer holidays, many people enjoy walking or

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